Common Types of Arthritis
One of the most unbearable human
conditions is Arthritis. Arthritis causes pain, stiffness and sometimes
swelling in or around the joints, making it hard for movements for daily
activities to work or take care of the family.
A lot of options are available and steps to avoid arthritis or to reduce
its pain keeping the freedom to move about.
There are more than 100 types of
arthritis most cause of which is unknown.
Scientists have been studying causes of arthritis and considering three
major factors that contribute in one way or another to certain types of
arthritis. These factors include genetic
factors, life style, and environmental factors.
The significance of these factors varies for different types of
Some of the most common types of
arthritis are:
Osteoarthritis (OA)
Osteoarthritis is the most common
from all the types of arthritis. It is
also called degenerative arthritis. This occurs when the cushioning cartilage,
the elastic material that covers and protects the ends of the joints, breaks
down. Fragments of cartilage may break off causing pain and swelling in the
joint between bones. The swelling is
called inflammation. The commonly affected areas are the feet, knees, hips and
fingers. The disease is accountable for
more trouble walking and stair climbing, thank any other disease and it is also
the most common sign for total joint replacement of the hip and knee.
Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)
Is one of the types of arthritis
where the immune system attacks the lining, or synovial membrane of the joints.
The joint damage can become severe and deformity may result. This disease also
involves the whole body, and may also cause fatigue, weight loss and anemia,
and even affect the lungs, heart and eyes.
Is one of the types of arthritis
that results from too much uric acid in the body. With this disease the body
either makes too much uric acid or does not excrete enough. Uric acid is a waste product of the body that
is normally flushed out of the body by kidneys through urine. This is a
metabolic disorder in which uric acids builds up in the blood and crystals form
in joints and other places causing sudden, severe attacks, usually in the big toes, but any joint can be affected. Drugs and attention to diet can control gout.
Ankylosing Spondylitis
Is one of the types of arthritis
that involves the spine. A chronic
inflammatory disease of the spine that can result in fused vertebrae and rigid
spine. It causes pain and back stiffness
and also bent posture, caused by the ongoing swelling and irritation of the
spinal joints. In severe cases, inflammation of the vertebrae causes them to
fuse together leading to severely limited mobility. This disease is often milder and harder to
diagnose in women.
Juvenile Arthritis
Also called chronic childhood
arthritis, this type of arthritis occurs in children under the age of 16. The disease causes pain, stiffness, and
swelling in one or more of the joints called inflammation. With juvenile arthritis, the inflammation
lasts longer than six weeks and is not caused by injury or other illness. Some children recover completely but others
remain affected throughout their lives.
Psoriatic Arthritis
Is one of the types of arthritis
where the bone and other joint tissues become inflamed and like rheumatoid
arthritis, can affect the whole body. It
also causes a scaly skin rash on the skin of the elbows, knees and scalp. It usually affects the wrists, knees, ankles,
fingers and toes.
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
This type of arthritis involves
skin, joints, muscles, and sometimes internal organs. Also called lupus or SLE, where the body’s immune system stops working properly
and the immune system attacks healthy tissues causing these tissues to become
swollen and painful, called inflammation.
The inflammation can happen in the skin, muscles or joints. The heart,
lungs, kidneys, blood vessels or the nervous system can also be attacked by the
immune system. There may be periods of
inflammation called flare-ups or periods
where there is little or no inflammation called remissions. Symptoms can
occur in anyone at any age, but usually appear in women of childbearing age.