Cholesterol and Heart Disease
Cholesterol and heart disease has
long been the favorite subjects of most medical studies. Almost a hundred of researches and studies
have been conducted just to find out the real link between cholesterol and
heart disease. It’s nice to know that
most of these studies have succeeded in finding the connection between these
two interesting concepts.
So what do the studies have found
out about cholesterol and heart disease?
The link between cholesterol and
heart disease is explained on the notion that high level of cholesterol in the
body may lead to heart disease. The
question is how high exactly must the cholesterol be in the body to lead to
heart disease? Well, this is what many
studies have found out:
Cholesterol is highly needed in
the body for the organs to function properly.
The cholesterol is a fat-like substance that serves a number of useful
functions. For instance, the liver needs
it for its proper functioning. It also
helps to maintain the cellular structures on the body and cholesterol is highly
capable of transmitting the nerve impulses.
However, it is important to note that all of these mentioned useful
functions can only be performed with an exact level of cholesterol. If the amount of fat exceeds from what the
body needs to function properly, the tendency is certain complications like
heart disease may occur.
Note that the fat substances
travel around your body in tiny clumps of fat and protein known medically as
lipoproteins. There are two kinds of
this though: the HDL or good cholesterol, and the LDL or bad cholesterol. The LDL is the one that carries cholesterol
where it is needed, and the HDL is the one that carries leftover cholesterol
back to the liver. Now, the connection
between cholesterol and heart disease occurs when a high level of cholesterol
is carried around your system. Heart
disease will occur once the LDL cholesterol exceeds on its normal amount. It will travel through the arteries and since
the LDL is high, it tends to build up in the coronary arteries forming hard
lumps known as plaques. The plaque is
actually what makes the arteries rigid and narrower. If this happens, the flow of the blood and
oxygen to the heart will be altered.
Chest pain can be felt, and if the arteries are completely blocked,
heart attack develops.
For such reasons, people who are
afraid to develop risks of heart disease are advised to lower their cholesterol
level. According to certain studies
that address the link between cholesterol and heart disease, the best way to
reduce cholesterol and prevent heart disease is to adopt a healthy diet. Note that the link between cholesterol and
heart disease is made possible with poor diet.
So it is then wise to eat a healthy diet and maintain a healthy
weight. Just eat foods that are good to
the heart, such as vegetables, legumes, and certain types of fish, low fat
dairy milk, and a lot more. Also, stop
smoking as it will only contribute to unhealthy high cholesterol values. Finally, do some healthy exercise to allow
your heart to pump more blood with less effort.
That way you can break the link between cholesterol and heart disease.